Work has been pretty crazy and I have been neglecting my new blog which isn't a good thing since i just started:/ But It will come around..I promise:)
About Me

- Christie
- I am a newlywed in my twenties. I love life and everything it brings me. I love finding a good deal, online news junkie and watching TV. I am learning how to eat healthier by following the Weight Watcher Points Plus Program!! 'Nothing Tastes as Good as SKINNY FEELS'
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
There are many things I love about fall: the crisp fresh air, new clothes, fun activities outdoors, walking outside and not being soaking in sweat and TELEVISION SHOWs.
Work has been pretty crazy and I have been neglecting my new blog which isn't a good thing since i just started:/ But It will come around..I promise:)
Work has been pretty crazy and I have been neglecting my new blog which isn't a good thing since i just started:/ But It will come around..I promise:)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Phases of Excitement
Ever since going through my world wind romance with my husband, falling in love is something that I find to be romantic, fun and exciting. The first phase is the beginning and the excitement you feel every time you think about him or are with him. The next phase of excitement comes after months or years of dating and the questions begin to surface: Do you think yall will get married? After those begin, you begin to think about it alot...ALOT! The next to last phase is the actual getting engaged and the fun parties that come along with it. The final phase is GETTING MARRIED! THis was by far one of the best days of my life. The whole day weekend was too amazing to be described.
At my age (27), I have alot of friends getting married. Wedding season in the past couple of years breaks down as follows:
2008: 7
2009: 8
2010: 6 (MY OWN would make it 7)
Of course, I wasn't in all of them and i couldn't attend them all but you get the point that I have alot of friends getting married.
One person who I know who HAS been in alot of weddings and been such a great support system is my little sister Abby Stephens. (She is not my biological little sister but she is means that much to me). Her and RJ have been dating for quite a while. They are such amazing people: so caring, generous and just a plain ole' good time. They taught me how to love and be loved!
Since you probably know where this is going....ABBY AND RJ ARE ENGAGED! We are all so excited and happy for them and cannot wait for the parties, parties and fun! Abby has some amazing friends who will be there to lend a helping hand and help her with this EXCITING time in their lives. I AM BEYOND OVER THE TOP EXCITED FOR THESE TWO! LOVE LOVE LOVE YALL!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What's in a name?
I have been wanting to publish a blog for quite some time. The problem was I didn't have a name. After I came up with: 'Roberts Rendezvous', the search was on for the domain name. I researched and read about what you should do and how you should create the domain name. After reading a friends blog I was inspired to come up with a cool name like hers. (Thanks Jessica). I thought maybe I should look up words that mean 'life' and that is where NIDIFY was found.
It is that simple. Building a nest is something that my small little family and I are doing. We recently got married on May 22, purchased our first home June 29 and got our first puppy on August 6. We are in the midst of creating our own family (no plan for children is seen in our immediate future).
We are decorating our house, dealing with bills, training and loving our puppy, working and living as a newlywed couple. I love it even though it is very different than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be more simple....why did I ever think that? I ask myself that alot. My life is far from simple (as much as I have thought it was). We are two veryhardheaded energetic and loving people, who only want the best for ourselves yet we are in this life together and making our nest the best that we can. Our parents did us right and taught the values of what is important and we thank them every day for that.
I do think of myself as a mama bird very protective of her nest. But our nest is still in the works as is this blog. I hope you enjoyed my first real post. This won't be so bad after all....
I have been wanting to publish a blog for quite some time. The problem was I didn't have a name. After I came up with: 'Roberts Rendezvous', the search was on for the domain name. I researched and read about what you should do and how you should create the domain name. After reading a friends blog I was inspired to come up with a cool name like hers. (Thanks Jessica). I thought maybe I should look up words that mean 'life' and that is where NIDIFY was found.
Nidify (nid′ə fī′)-to build a nest
It is that simple. Building a nest is something that my small little family and I are doing. We recently got married on May 22, purchased our first home June 29 and got our first puppy on August 6. We are in the midst of creating our own family (no plan for children is seen in our immediate future).
We are decorating our house, dealing with bills, training and loving our puppy, working and living as a newlywed couple. I love it even though it is very different than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be more simple....why did I ever think that? I ask myself that alot. My life is far from simple (as much as I have thought it was). We are two very
I do think of myself as a mama bird very protective of her nest. But our nest is still in the works as is this blog. I hope you enjoyed my first real post. This won't be so bad after all....
Welcome to my first attempt to blog. I hope this will become a source of interesting topics but I can't tell you at this exact moment what it will be about.
like to get good deals online, watch good and bad TV, and read about people's lives on the internet blogs. Who knows what will come from my brain to my finger to the blog to your eyes. I can promise I will try my hardest and will make it entertaining OR make the time you might be wasting at work worth it.
SO THANKS FOR STOPPING BY even if you got here because I posted the link on Facebook or you got here on accident. THANK YOU TO ALL THE BLOGGERS OUT THERE WHO INSPIRED ME. Only a handful 2 of yall know that I read your blogs and others who have them please know I enjoy them very much.
Till we meet again,
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