About Me

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I am a newlywed in my twenties. I love life and everything it brings me. I love finding a good deal, online news junkie and watching TV. I am learning how to eat healthier by following the Weight Watcher Points Plus Program!! 'Nothing Tastes as Good as SKINNY FEELS'

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I am back and I am not alone!

It has been about a month and half since my last post:( I have a good reason...I promise! My last post was on February 12 and this is the exact day that we discovered out lives were about to change! We learned on this day that.....

I still can't believe it. I mean it was not an "accident" as we were "trying" but it still seems so unreal! Sometimes I can't believe I am old enough to drink yet alone have a baby!! My husband and I are thrilled and so excited about this new time in our life! It was a relief as I had been so tired I couldn't really even function when I returned home from work so now I know it was because there was a bun in the oven!! But my energy is coming back and I am almost back to my old self (minus my expanding belly!). I will be 3 months on Tuesday!

I have been very blessed and fatigue has been my only "side affect" that I have experienced. NO MORNING SICKNESS!! There has been some heart burn but it is nothing to complain about! Another thing that I experienced is that I did not want to cook or eat any home cooked meals! We went out to eat more during the month of March then we did in January and February combined! But I am back to my cooking ways and have discovered some pretty good recipes that are delicious and healthy for me too! I will be posting some soon! Until then....we are going to have a baby!!!


  1. That's great! Congratulations!!

  2. I was diagnose of herpes virus year 2010 then my life got devastated i have no idea what I could do with my life anymore until I came across a old friend of mine tiffany whom we study together back then in college, she was an african america I explain to her my current health condition she laughed and say that is not a problem because she know a traditional herbal doctor from african whom will cure me completely with a herbal medicines I wow about the conversation then she gave me the herbal doctor email address drjekawo@gmail.com Dr Jekawo replied my mail and I was so happy and he explained how the treatment will go through 25 days, I agreed I paid the preparation fee of the herbal medicines and I received the herbal product within few weeks after preparation of the herbal medicines, I drink the herbal medicine as instructed I must confess that Dr Jekawo is a great traditional herbal doctor I go for a rapid test I was cured completely then I recommend him to my mom whom suffering from dementia and my husband whom was suffering from prostate cancer also get cured by Dr Jekawo. I want to use this your platform to thank him so much and to also recommend him to anyone suffering from herpes,cancer,fibroid,prostate infection,parkinson,gonorrhea,hiv,chlamydia,hpv,hepatitis and so many diseases Dr Jekawo can cure with his ancestral herbal knowledge is beyond my imagination.
    I thank God for everything because my health conditions have really showed me the other side of life that I ever knew.
